Translate, rotate and scale are most basic element of image effect. If you didn't understand how make effect at each pixel, please read again before post "Show Video and Image" . 1. Translate Translation means each pixel move parallel on the x, y-axis. In other words, if you want to translate 0.25 on the x-axis, a pixel should point to a distance of -0.25 from the original. Translate ex) void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ){ vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy; if (uv.x < 0.5 ){ // translate to x ( -0.25 ) uv.x += 0.25 ; } else { // translate to x ( +0.25 ) uv.x -= 0.25 ; } fragColor = texture (iChannel0, uv); } result) 2. Scale Scale also has a similar concept to parallel translation. If you want to zoom in twice, each pixel s...